来源:译研网 作者:无 时间:2013-02-09 06:45
The International Conference on Chinese Literary Thought in Multiple Perspectives will been held inBeijing, China, on September 25-26, 2010. The conference is co-hosted by the Center for Literary Theory Studies of Beijing Normal University and the Institute for Sinological Studies of Beijing Language and Culture University. By bringing together scholars in the fields of literature, the conference will provide a platform for the discussion of the Chinese literary thought from multiple perspectives and for dialogues among scholars who have been divided disciplinarily and geographically. The contributions to the conference will be edited and published in a monograph.
Papers and Speeches
The main themes of the conference includes:
Concepts, ideas, and arguments in Chinese literary thought
Textual criticism of traditional Chinese literature
Mainstream culture and Chinese literary thought
Chinese political system and Chinese literary thought
Translation and transfer of texts of Chinese literary criticism
Literary thought embedded in Chinese literary texts
. Literary criticism of every ages, genre, style
Overseas Influences on/of Chinese literary thought
Modern Chinese literary thought
Legacies of overseas Sinologists
. Other
Conference information:
1. Deadline for conference registration is May 20, 2010(by email). Official invitation will be sent out before May 30, 2010.
2. Deadline for submission of conference paper is August 30, 2010(by email). A copy of English abstract should be included.
3. September 24, 2010 is the registration day. The conference will be held on September 25-26 at Beijing Normal University, and a tourist trip to the Great Wall (not the crowded site Badaling but a more attractive site with less tourists) will be arranged on September 27.
4. The conference organizer will provide attendees with free board and lodging during the conference. Conference participants need to cover international travels themselves.
5. Official conference language will be Chinese and the language the participant speaks.
Contact :
2,Wang Xingkun:E-mail: hxyjblcu@sohu.com; Cell: 13810874565
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